São Paulo, BR
October 1-5, 2018
Mackenzie - Campus Higienópolis
JoLAI - I Latin American Journey of Professional Updating in Computing, a sattelite event of CLEI-LACLO 2018, comprises short courses aimed at presenting a general view of a research topic or technology of interest to the Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Computing Education, and Computer Science Education communities. The short courses can also focus on the direct impact of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies). The overall goal is that the attendees can learn about a new subject related to their work interests and extract from the courses elements that can be applied to their research or professional activities. Courses will also be offered by senior researchers in the community, providing so a unique opportunity for academic and computing professionals to get up-to-date on several themes.
We invite the community to propose minicourses for the I Latin American Journey of Professional Updating in Computing. Minicourses can be either introductory or advanced and should relate, but not exclusively, to the interest topics of CLEI-LACLO 2018. The authors of the selected proposals must prepare a text based on the course material to be included as a book chapter for publication. This text will be evaluated by expert referees; their approval is a necessary condition for the course to be included in the final program of JoLAI.
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The minicourses to be presented at the I Latin American Journey of Professional Updating in Computing have (preferably) undergaduate students, graduate students, researchers and professionals as their target audience, and shall address either fundamental concepts (introductory minicourses) or emerging technologies (advanced minicourses). Preference will be given to courses with a practical character, which adress in their proposals learning strategies that favour a more dynamic approach and favour the interaction between instructors and students. We intend to not select minicourses that are based solely on expositive strategies. The authors of the selected proposals must prepare a text based on the course material to be included as a chapter to be published in an ISBN-issued book in electronic format.
The initial proposals must be submited as a single PDF file to the email jolaicleilaclo@gmail.com with the following information:
The final version of the chapter (between 15 and 25 pages) must obey SBC format and must be sent, in both PDF and editable format (Word/Latex) to the email jolaicleilaclo@gmail.com . All the necessary additional material for publication (figures and tables) must be send with the text (figures must be sent in 300 dpi resolution at least). Non-compliance with the deadlines or the referees' comments entail the exclusion of the proposal from JoLAI's program.
Initial selection of proposals will be done on the basis of a classificatory process, following evaluation and discussions of proposals by the Program Committee. The criteria for selection will include:
The main goal of JoLAI is not the publication of results of thesis, dissertations, research projects, system manuals etc., but the dissemination of established techniques that are deemed as important in the academic or professional area, which many studemts would not have the opportunity to study in their home institutions. In the same vein, the course must not reflect the particular vision of a sole research group in the area of interest.
The text of the chapter will be evaluated by experts. Their approval is a necessary condition for the course to be included in the final program of JoLAI. The criteria for revision of the texts will include:
The Program Committee has the right to reject works that present problems related to the criteria above which are unsuitable to be corrected in due time.
Ana Grasiele Dionísio Corrêa (Mackenzie)
André L. S. Kawamoto (UFTPR)
Valéria Farinazzo Martins (Mackenzie)