São Paulo, BR
October 1-5, 2018
Mackenzie - Campus Higienópolis
MSc and PhD students working in the area of Ontologies are invited to submit their proposals for participation in the second Doctoral and Masters Consortium on Ontologies! The consortium will accept research proposals in both master and doctoral levels, and will be held from October 1 to 3, 2018, during Ontobras 2018 in São Paulo, Brazil. This year, ONTOBRAS will take place along with CLEI-LACLO 2018.
The Consortium has the following objectives:
The authors of the accepted proposals are expected to present their research at the Consortium. We welcome submissions representing a broad spectrum of research topics related to Ontology, especially the ones in which Ontology plays a major role. Participants will benefit from the advice of senior researchers in the field and from the interaction with peers being at a similar stage of their careers.
All submissions should be in the format Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and should follow the format of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC). Templates for Microsoft Office Word, OpenOffice and Latex can be downloaded from:
The abstract can be at maximum 6 pages long, including references. The abstract should be written in Portuguese or preferably in English. The abstracts will be published in the ONTOBRAS proceedings.
In addition, we require that the research supervisor send an email to wtdo.ontobras.2018@gmail.com saying that he/she is aware and in accordance with the submission to WTDO 2018.
The same manuscript (text or title) is not allowed to be submitted to both main track and WTDO. Research works that are already concluded or defended will not be accepted.
Submitted proposals will be reviewed by the Consortium Jury. The review of the reported research work in each proposal will take into account its originality, its potential for advancing the Ontology field, and whether the work is at a stage where the student can benefit from participating in the research consortium. Rejected submissions will receive written feedback.
The important dates of the event are listed below. Accepted contributions will receive instructions on how to submit a camera-ready copy of their proposal, and will receive information on the preparation of the presentation. One week before the event, authors of selected proposals will receive a file with all the accepted proposals, and will be invited to give feedback to the other authors, providing ideas and suggestions.
The candidate student, at the Consortium during Ontobras, should exclusively present accepted submissions. The student will be provided with feedback by senior researchers. The session will be open to all Conference participants. All presenters are expected to attend every session of the consortium to create a qualified venue for good discussions. The schedule will provide presenters with substantial time for discussions and questions by participating researchers and other students.
Júlia Eidelwein (UFRGS)
Mara Abel (UFRGS)
Sandro Rama Fiorini (Université Paris-Est Créteil, França)
Andreia Malucelli (PUCPR)
Fernanda Baiao (UNIRIO)
Fred Freitas (UFPE)
Giancarlo Guizzardi (Free University of Bozen - Bolzano)
Marcello Peixoto Bax (ECI - UFMG)
Maurício Almeida (ECI - UFMG)
Renata Maria Abrantes Baracho (UFMG)
Renata Wassermann (IME- USP)
Seiji Isotani (ICMC-USP)