São Paulo, BR
October 1-5, 2018
Mackenzie - Campus Higienópolis
The development of Computation as a science has reached a very important maturity in Latin America, reflected in the numerous postgraduate programs that are currently being offered, both at the master's degree and at the doctorate. Currently, there are a significant number of PhD programs in Computer Science accredited in Latin America, in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. To encourage the development of doctoral programs, the Latin American Center for Studies in Information Technology (CLEI) has been conducting the Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest (CLTD), in which all CLEI Member Universities can participate. After three very successful calls, the fourth edition of the Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest is convened. The CLTD 2018 will be held within the framework of the XLIV Latin American Informatics Conference (CLEI 2018), in São Paulo, Brasil.
The objective of the contest is to reward and disseminate the work of Latin American students who have recently completed their Doctorate Thesis in Informatics or Computer Science, understood as such, a thesis whose content is referred to some of the disciplinary areas defined in the Computer curriculum established by the IEEE/ACM. This distinction allows to include the doctoral works of many universities that simply offer titles of Doctor of Sciences, Doctor of Engineering, or any other name, which do not fully represent the academic content of the thesis. It is therefore the CLTD's will, to include all those theses that have been developed in the area of Computing in general, without discriminating by the specific name offered by the different universities.
Individuals who have graduated within the period between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018, in the Doctoral programs of the Latin American and Caribbean Universities members of CLEI, can participate. The submitted works must be individual (not group). Participants must have completed the curriculum for the date of submission of the work, including the defense of the thesis before an examining board.
To participate in the contest, a summary of the work done in the Thesis must be presented. The contributions will be judged by an Evaluating Committee, according to the quality and relevance of the research, the relevance of the chosen methodology, the original contributions achieved, the publications in international congresses and hierarchical journals, showing the impact that it represents in the area of its specialty, or patents that show the relevance in innovation. The evaluation committee will choose the first three Theses for the award.
Each application must contain the following material:
The delivery of the aforementioned documents must be done through the JEMS system, by sending a single .zip or .rar file, which should be named <First Name>_<Family Name>.zip or <First Name>_<Family Name>.rar.
The prizes will be in dollars and will be given to the winners, after making a resentation of 30 minutes during the conference. The author of the thesis that obtains the first position will receive US $ 1,500, the second US $ 1,000 and the third US $ 750. If the oral presentation is not made, the corresponding prize will not be entitled.
The winning works will be published in the proceedings of the XLIV Latin American Informatics Conference (CLEI 2018), for which the abstracts themselves must be unpublished.
Articles submission should be done through the JEMS system: https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/home.cgi?c=3040
JEMs Publication Manual: https://submissoes.sbc.org.br/manual/index.php?page=Authors_of_papers
Jose Aguilar (ULA, Venezuela)
Luca Cernuzzi (UC, Paraguay)
Jose Aguilar (Universidad de los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela)
Luca Cernuzzi (Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción”, Paraguay)
Alejandro Diaz Caro (UBA - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes)
Alexandre Delbem (ICMC-USP)
Benjamín Barán (Universidad Nacional de Asunción)
Carlos Garcia (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
Cristhian Parra Trepowski (Universidad Católica de Asunción)
Daniel Romero (Universidad Nacional de Asunción)
Edgar Camargo (PDVSA)
Eladio Dapena (Universidad de Los Andes)
Enrique Vargas Cabral (Universidad Católica de Asunción)
Ernst Leiss (University of Houston)
Francisco Hidrobo (Universidad de Los Andes)
Francisco Ibarra (University of Trento)
Francisco Mata (Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica)
Hector Cancela (Universidad de la Republica)
Horacio Legal-Ayala (Universidad Nacional de Asunción)
Junior Altamiranda (Universidad de Los Andes)
Marcelo Mejía Olvera (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM))
Marcus Midena Ramos (UNIVASF)
Mariela Cerrada (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana)
Nelson Garcia (Universidad de Los Andes)
Oscar Pastor (Universitat Politècnica de València)
Pablo Ezzatti (Universidad de la Republica)
Pedro Wightman (Universidad del Norte)
Ramon Puigjaner (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Rodrigo Santos (Universidad Nacional del Sur)
Roxana Giandini (Universidad de La Plata)
Sergio Ochoa (Universidad de Chile)
Vera Werneck (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
Vicente González (Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción)
Vinicius Petrucci (Universidade Federal da Bahia)
Yván Túpac Valdivia (Universidad Católica San Pablo)