The Latin American Merit Award in Informatics is aimed at recognizing academics and/or professionals in the area of Informatics who have played a decisive role in the development of this area in our region since its origins in the decade of the 70s.

This award is granted at the proposal of the representatives of each country in the CLEI. This award was established by CLEI in 2006 and since then CLEI has awarded this high distinction to:

The following is a brief review of each of the awardees to date:

Diego Andrade – 2023

Diego Andrade’s relationship with CLEI goes back many years. It began in 1981 at the Latin American Conference held in Buenos Aires and, except for a few years in which he did not participate, he was present up to and including the Latin American Conference held in Montevideo in 2014. Throughout this period he was a member of the Programme Committees of several of the Conferences, was also the representative of Ecuador to the Steering Committee of CLEI in several periods and was the President of the Organising Committee of the first two Conferences held in Ecuador in 1998 and 2011, which were hosted by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador PUCE, which by the way, is one of the founding institutions of CLEI since the CLEI Conferences began to be held at the Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, in the 1970s.

Born in Quito in 1948. Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Universidad Central del Ecuador in 1974. He completed a Master’s degree in Computer Science at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Centre for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in Mexico City, which he completed in 1987. It is worth mentioning that in the 1980s, the first Informatics, Computer Science and related careers began to be established in Ecuador in the main institutions of higher education in Ecuador. It was common practice in Ecuador for graduates in other branches of Engineering to do postgraduate studies in Informatics abroad.

In his professional life, Diego Andrade was a university man, dedicated to teaching in the careers of Civil Engineering and Systems Engineering, starting as a Teaching Assistant in his last years as a student. He taught at the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Central, at the Faculty of Systems Engineering of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (EPN) and at the Faculty of Engineering of the PUCE where he was the promoter, in 1991, of the Systems Engineering Degree and its first director and later Dean of the Faculty of Engineering during the periods 1996 – 2003 and 2009 – 2013 when he retired. In the subjects of Computer Science he taught courses in Programming Languages, Data Structure, Numerical Methods, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Compilers and interpreters, among the most important ones. The Universidad Central del Ecuador invited him to continue teaching until the year 2021.

Additionally, Diego was recognised by PUCE as professor emeritus of the Faculty of Engineering in 2018. He has been president of the College of Civil Engineers of Pichincha between 2007 and 2010.

Mauricio Solar – 2022

Dr. Mauricio Solar is an Electronic Civil Engineer from USM, with a Master’s and PhD in Engineering Sciences, mention in Computation and Systems from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and a Postdoctorate at the University of Montreal, Canada.

He was the Chilean representative to CLEI from 1996 to 1998, when he became Executive Secretary until 2000. In addition, he was editor of CLEI Electronic Journal from 2002 to 2010, and CLEI representative to the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) from 2000 to 2008. At the national level, in 2000 he became President of the Chilean Society of Computer Science (SCCC), a position he held for 3 terms, until 2006.

He was in charge of the organization of a series of events and conferences, such as the Jornadas de Ciencia de la Computación en Chile, the 19th World Congress of Computing and the Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) 2017, events held for the first time in Chile and Latin America.

Within his academic work, he has authored more than 150 articles in journals and conferences, and has contributed significantly to the growth of astroinformatics in Chile and the world, developing the first Chilean virtual observatory (ChiVO) in conjunction with ALMA, making public data from the ALMA observatory available to the international astronomical community.

He is currently Director of the PhD program in Computer Engineering at USM and participant of the international program CAP4CITY on sustainable smart cities.

Gabriela Marín – 2021

Gabriela Marín Raventós received her Baccalaureate and Bachelor’s degrees in Computer Science from the University of Costa Rica, and her Master’s degree from Case Western Reserve University. With the support of a Fulbright scholarship, he completed his Ph.D. at Texas A&M University in the United States in 1993.

She has more than 40 years of teaching experience in Computer Science at the University of Costa Rica. She has served multiple times as Director of the Postgraduate Program in Computer Science and Informatics, a position she currently holds. She was Dean of the Postgraduate Studies System and Director of the Centro de Investigaciones en TIC (CITIC).

She has published more than 85 articles. She has organized national and international conferences, and has been a member and directed the Program Committee of many, many events. Since 2005 she has regularly attended the annual CLEI event in order to contribute to South-South collaboration. She has been actively involved in the organization or program committee of the Latin American Women in Computing Conference (LAWCC) since its inception in 2009. In 2012, she was elected, and then re-elected, President of the Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática (CLEI), becoming the first woman and the first Central American to hold such a distinguished position.

She received the 2012 Informatics Merit Award – Education and Research granted by the College of Professionals in Informatics and Computing of Costa Rica. Since 2017 he has been Vice President of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in charge of the Digital Equity Committee. In October 2021 he received the CLEI Distinction for Latin American Merit in Informatics.

Francisca Losavio (Q.E.P.D) – 2020

Prof. Losavio produced more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including: LNCS, Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Information Systems and Management (ISYM), Journal of Object Technology, Journal of Object Oriented Programming, Information and Software Technology (IST), IFIP Transactions, Ada User Journal UK, Tecniques et Science Informatique (TSI), Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, Acta Científica Venezolana. + 50 monographs and technical and research reports + 90 presentations in national and international congresses with publication in proceedings in extenso + 20 undergraduate theses supervised + 10 postgraduate theses supervised – Coordinator of the Postgraduate Cooperation Program in Informatics (PCP en Informatique CEFICONICIT) CONICIT-Ambassade de France, Caracas, 1987-1998. – Founder and Coordinator of the ISYS Center (Software and Systems Engineering Research), from April 1990 to September 1992 and from September 1993 to October 1998. 12/03/11 2 – Founder and Head of the Software Technology Laboratory (LaTecS) of the ISYS Center since October 1998, officially created in 1999 until 2007. – Responsible for the MoST laboratory (Models, Software and Technology), 2007 – Founder and responsible for the Postgraduate Option in Software Engineering, Universidad Central de Venezuela, from 1987 to July 1999.

Francisco “Paco” Tirado – 2019

Francisco Tirado Fernández is Professor of Architecture and Technology of Computers in the Department of Computer Architecture and Automatics at the Complutense University of Madrid. He graduated in Physics at the UCM in 1973 and received his PhD in 1977 at the UCM. His teaching career has been linked to the Complutense University where he has been Dean (1994-2002) and Vice-Dean (1989-1992) of the Faculty of Physical Sciences at UCM, Director of the Department of Informatics and Automatics (1992-1994), Director of the Department of Computer Architecture and Automatics (2005-2012).

He has worked in different research areas within system architecture, high performance computing, GRID computing, automatic IC design and processor architecture. He is the author of more than 300 publications in international journals and conferences. He has participated in the organization of more than 100 international conferences as General Chair, Program Chair, Program Committee member, Session Chair and Invited Speaker. He has given more than 75 lectures at international conferences and universities. He has been responsible researcher of more than 50 national and international projects financed with public funds (CICYT, EU, CAM, MEC, USA-Spain Joint Committee) and industrial projects.

He has been member of different commissions in the evaluation and accreditation agencies CVAEC, AAC, ACSUG, ACPUA, ACSUCyL, Director of the Complutense Supercomputing Center and Director of the Madrid Science Park (2005-2006), President of the Informatics Scientific Society of Spain (SCIE) (2009-2013) and President of the Society of Architecture and Computer Technology (SARTECO) (2006-2013), currently Vice Rector of Research at UCM and Honorary President of SCIE and SARTECO.

His activity at CLEI level and his support to the Latin American community have been outstanding. He has promoted the training of many young researchers in the region, and the participation of Latin American universities in international cooperation projects. Prof. Tirado has actively participated as a lecturer in many of CLEI’s annual conferences. He has been the Spain representative and alternate Extraterritorial representative to the Steering Committee for many years and has actively collaborated as a member of several working committees, including the one that has launched the Visiting Professors Project. His contributions in countries of the region have earned him, among other distinctions, the designation of Doctor Honoris Causa by the National University of San Agustin (Peru), the National University of Asuncion (Paraguay), the National University of La Plata (Argentina) and the University of Almeria (Spain).

Claudia Bauzer Medeiros – 2018

She obtained a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering (1976) and an M.S. degree in Computer Science from PUC-Rio, Brazil (1979). In 1985 she received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo, Canada.

Dr. Medeiros is a professor of Databases at the Computer Science Institute of the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, having been the founder of the Laboratory of Information Systems (LIS). She has also been a visiting professor at the University Paris-Dauphine, France, for more than 20 years.

She has a long career as a world-renowned professor and researcher, with multiple publications, theses, and directed projects. Her research focuses on the design and development of scientific databases. Her main interests lie in addressing the challenges posed by large real-world applications, which require the management of distributed and highly heterogeneous data sources. In particular, she has coordinated large multidisciplinary projects in Brazil that include applications in agro-environmental planning and biodiversity. The data to be managed include, among others, sensor data streams, satellite images, photos, videos, sound and all kinds of textual sources. He has also coordinated research projects in scientific data management, workflow and geographic information systems, in cooperation with universities and research laboratories in Brazil, Germany and France.

She is Commander of the Brazilian Order of Scientific Merit, Dr. Honoris Causa from the University Antenor Orrego, Peru (2007), and Dr. Honoris Causa from the University Paris-Dauphine, France (2015). She is a Member of the Board of ACM. She is a former member of ACM Distinguished Speakers Programme (ACM DSP) – and former ambassador of the ACM Committee for Women in Computing (ACM-W). She was President of the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) (2003-2007) and a member of its Governing Council – 2007-2011 and has served as a member of the Research Data Alliance Council.

Jorge Santos (Q.E.P.D) – 2017

Professor Jorge Santos received his degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Buenos Aires in 1951. In 1956 he was appointed Professor at the recently created Universidad Nacional del Sur. In 1959-1960 he studied Digital Computer Logic Design at the University of Manchester, UK, together with the group that had developed the first stored program computer led by Prof. Kilburn.

Upon his return to Argentina, he formed a study group at the UNS called Computer Seminar that resulted in an ambitious project to build the Electronic Computer of the Universidad Nacional del Sur (CEUNS). During this period, papers were published in high impact journals and a large number of engineers were trained under his direction. In 1976, the de facto government dismissed him. During the following years he worked in the private sector in a company developing digital technology for the control of vertical transportation. He developed the first computerized drinking water supply system in Argentina for the city of General Pico. With the return of democracy and after being appointed professor again by public competition, he resumed his academic activities with exclusivity. Until his retirement, he formed and directed the Real Time Systems Research Group in the same Digital Systems Laboratory where the CEUNS project was generated. He was Principal Researcher of CONICET directing graduate theses, and promoting publications in international conferences and journals.

Professor Santos also taught numerous courses at the Escuela Brasileño Argentina de Informática, at the Escuela de Ciencias Informáticas (ECI-UBA) and at the Escuela de Ciencias Informáticas of the Universidad de Rio Cuarto. He was Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering of the UNS and of the Department of Electrical Engineering of the UNS. As Argentine representative to the Steering Committee of CLEI, he developed an important work of integration of new universities.

Héctor Cancela – 2016

He is a Computer Systems Engineer (Universidad de la República, 1990) and holds a PhD in Computer Science (University of Rennes 1/ INRIA, France, 1996).

He is Full Professor (Gr. 5) of the Department of Operations Research, Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, University of La República. He was Dean of the Faculty of Engineering between 2010 and 2015, and member of the Central Board of Trustees of the University of La República in the same period. Also, between 2006 and 2010 he was Counselor of the Faculty of Engineering and Director of the Institute of Computing.

His research work focuses on the use of stochastic process models and networks, and their joint application with optimization techniques for solving problems in various areas (communications, transportation, biological and agricultural applications, etc.) having published more than 100 scientific articles, and having directed more than 20 master’s and doctoral theses. He has participated and participates in several collaborative research projects with international funding (CYTED in the Ibero-American area, STIC-AMSUD and ECOS in the France-Latin America cooperation).

He is a Senior Member of IEEE, and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the IEEE Uruguay Section. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of ALIO (Asociación Latino-Ibero-Americana de Investigación Operativa), which he chaired between 2006 and 2010. He is the Uruguayan representative in the International Federation of Operation Research Societies (IFORS). He is editor-in-chief of CLEIej, CLEI’s electronic journal, and associate editor of the journals RAIRO-Operations Research (France) and Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (Germany-Holland), and is a member of the editorial board of the journals Pesquisa Operacional (Brazil) and Ingenieria de Sistemas (Chile). He has acted as reviewer for more than 30 international journals.

His activity in CLEI includes having been general chair of the CLEI 2014 and 2015 conferences, program committee chair of the LANC 2007 and 2009 conference and organizing chair of LANC 2011, member of the program committee of the LATIN American Master’s Thesis Competition in Computer Science of CLEI-UNESCO (later CLEI) between 1997 and 2005, and member on several occasions of program committees of CLEI events, in addition to the aforementioned task of editor-in-chief of the CLEIej journal since 2010.

Jorge Baralt Torrijos – 2015

He holds a Ph.D. in Computer and Information Science (Georgia Institute of Technology, 1973), M.Sc. in Information Science (Georgia Institute of Technology, 1970) and Civil Engineering (Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1966). His areas of interest are Logical Foundations of Computing and Nature of Information.

He has received the following distinctions: Outstanding Career (Venezuelan Society of Computing, 2014), Corresponding Member (Academy of Physical Mathematical and Natural Sciences, Venezuela, 2000), “Simón Rodríguez” Award (Association of Professors of Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela, 1990). He is a Retired Full Professor of the University Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela. He has taught courses in several universities in his country, in the areas of: Systems, Information, Computing, Mathematics, Logic, Semiotics, Linguistics, Psychology, Administration, Geophysics, Telecommunications, Telematics, Education and Management.

He was designer and organizer of the undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Computer Science at the Universidad Simón Bolívar (Venezuela 1972-1973), being these programs of studies among the pioneers in his country and in the region, particularly in a Computer Engineering career. He was President of the Organizing Committee of the VII Panel-Expodata Computer Science Conference (1979) in Caracas, Venezuela, being the first time that the Latin American conference was held outside Chile, giving rise to the Latin American Center of Informatics Studies – CLEI. He also chaired the Program Committee of CLEI 1991.

He participated in various commissions, held several executive positions and provided advisory services to the academic sector, government and industry, both in national and international organizations.

Ernst Leiss – 2014

Leiss is an ACM Distinguished Lecturer and is the president of the IEEE Computer Society Houston Chapter and an active member of the SEG. He was also the General Chair of the ACM/IFIP Latin American Network Conference in 2005. He has been involved in several Program committees at national and international conferences and is a member of the International Advisory Committee for Doctoral Program in Computer Science at the University of Chile in Santiago de Chile.

He received his degree in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Waterloo, and the Technical University of Vienna. He then joined the Department of Computer Science at the University of Houston in 1979 and from 1985 to 1994 was the chief of the Computer Research Laboratory.

His research interests are mainly focused on information security and high performance computing and he is also interested in the theory of formal languages and specifically in the languages of equations. He regularly lectures nationally and internationally.

He is the author of about 140 peer-reviewed papers and his books are:

  • Principles of Data Security (1982, Plenum)
  • Software Under Siege: Viruses and Worms (1990, Elsevier)
  • Parallel and Vector Computing: A Practical Introduction (McGraw-Hill, 1995)
  • Language Equations (Springer, 1999)
  • Together with J. Aguilar – Introduction to Parallel Computing (Press of the University of Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela, 2004).
  • He has contributed articles on information security and computer viruses to the Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (1987 and 1990, Academic Press).

Benjamín Barán – 2013

PhD in Systems and Computer Engineering (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Brazil, 1993). Master in Electrical Engineering (Northeastern University, Boston – United States, 1987), Electronic Engineer (National University of Asuncion, Paraguay – 1983), with a wide scientific and academic experience of more than 3 decades in several universities in three continents; he has published more than a hundred scientific articles, having been awarded with a dozen of prizes and recognitions such as: the Honor to the Latin American Merit in Informatics 2013, the Pan-American Prize in Scientific Computing 2012, the National Prize of Sciences of Paraguay – 1996, the Andres Barbero Prize – 1982 of the Scientific Society of Paraguay, among others, receiving a doctorate Honoris Causa by the National University of the East.

He is a member of the Honorary Scientific Commission (category III) of the National Incentive Program for Researchers – PRONII of CONACYT. To date, he is President of the consulting firm Baran y Asociados and collaborates with the research groups of several national universities such as UNA and UNE.

His main research areas are: multi-objective optimization, bio-inspired algorithms, communication networks, engineering applications.

He is also past-president of the Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática – CLEI.

José Pino – 2012

Full Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile. His scientific-technical research areas are the following: Collaborative Systems (CSCW), Human-Computer Interaction, Educational Informatics.

As of the award date, Prof. Pino is the author of 59 published articles in ISI indexed journals, 6 books, 16 book chapters, and 87 international conference papers. He was also guest editor of 11 special issues of journals.

He has been a guiding professor for 101 memoirs and theses completed by students at the U. of Chile, including 5 PhD theses. He is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the journal Educational Technology and Society (ISI). He was member and President of the Academic Evaluation Committee of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile (2009-2011).

He was a founding member of the Chilean Society of Computer Science and also its President (1988-1990). President of CLEI (1988-1992). He was the creator and director (1979-1989) of the journal “Informática”, the first professional journal of Computer Science in Chile, published monthly, which continues to be published. He was the manager for the creation of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Chile (1974). Director of this Dept. (1978-1983). Co-creator of the Doctorate in Sciences, mention in Computer Science, and creator of the Master’s Program in Computer Science (1974), U. of Chile.

Director of both programs (1999-2006). Manager, project manager and engineer of the BIRDS project (1980). Commissioned by Burroughs Corp, it represented the first successful Chilean project for the development of export software for massive use abroad (known internationally as Text-Trieve).

Rodrigo Cardoso – 2011

In 1971 he graduated from Viceroy Solis High School. In 1977 he finished his studies in “Systems and Computer Engineering” and “Mathematics”. From 1977 to 1979 he worked at the National Tax Directorate of Colombia as Head of the Evaluation and Methods Division, and during the same period he was a professor in the Mathematics Department of the University of the Andes.

In 1979 he traveled to Germany and in July 1983 he obtained the title of “Diplom Informatiker”. Back in Colombia, he worked as a full time professor at the University of the Andes, in the Department of Computer and Systems Engineering. Since 1994 he has been an Associate Professor in the faculty of the University of the Andes.

Administratively, he served as Master’s Coordinator (1993 – 1996) and Deputy Academic Director (1997 – 1998) of the Department of Systems Engineering and Computer Science at Uniandes. From February 2001 to December 2004, he was the Director of the Department. In 1992 he was appointed Representative for Colombia to CLEI (Latin American Center for Informatics Studies). In 1996 he coordinated with ACIS (Colombian Association of Systems Engineers) the organization of the XX Latin American Conference on Informatics.

That same year he was appointed President of CLEI, a position he was re-elected to in 1998 and held until 2000. During this period he collaborated in the organization of the Latin American Informatics Conferences held in Bogota, Santiago de Chile, Quito, Asuncion and Mexico City. From 2000 until 2004, he was a member of the CLEI Steering Committee as Past President.

Julián Aráoz – 2010

He graduated as a Computer Scientist at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in 1964 and holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics and a Ph. D. (Computer Science) from the University of Waterloo (Canada). From 1962 to 1965 he worked at the Instituto de Cálculo (UBA) as Chief of the Operations Research Group and from 1965 to 1994 he was a professor in Venezuela at the Central de Venezuela and Simón Bolivar Universities where he retired as a full professor.

He is currently a visiting professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

He has taught Computer Science Curriculum Design at UCV 1966 and 1974, USB 1976 and at other universities in Latin America. Actively participated in the design of ESLAI. He was part of the first board of directors of CLEI and was president in 1980 of the first CLEI congress outside Chile (PANEL80). He was a guest professor at several universities in France, England, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, USA, Belgium, Canada, Ecuador, Venezuela, Uruguay, Italy and Belgium. He has given more than 180 lectures and published about 80 papers on Computer Science topics.

Ricardo Baeza Yates – 2009

Ricardo Baeza Yates holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (Univ. of Waterloo, Canada, 1989), a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (1986) and Computer Science (1985) from the University of Chile; and an Electrical Engineering degree from the same university. He is currently Vice President of Yahoo! Research for Europe, Middle East & Latin America, directing the laboratories in Barcelona and Santiago, as well as supervising the laboratory in Haifa, Israel. His research areas are information retrieval, Web data mining, algorithms and information visualization.

He is co-author of a book in information retrieval (Addison-Wesley, 1999) whose second edition appeared in 2011, of a reference manual in algorithms and data structures (Addison-Wesley, 1991) and co-editor of a book in information retrieval (Prentice-Hall, 1992). He has twice been president of the Chilean Society of Computer Science and has received awards from the Organization of American States, the Institute of Engineers and the Chilean College of Engineers.

He was also president of CLEI (Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática), member of the IEEE-CS board of directors and international coordinator of the CYTED ( Ibero-American Cooperation Program) applied informatics and electronics subprogram. During 2000 he started an Internet spin-off to search the Chilean Web ( In 2002 he founded in Chile the Research Center of the Web (, of which he was the first director, and was the first person in his scientific area to be inducted into the Academy of Sciences of Chile in 2003. In 2007 he was awarded the J.W. Graham Medal from the University of Waterloo. Graham Medal from the University of Waterloo, which is awarded to alumni for innovation in computing. In 2009 he was named Fellow of the ACM, the highest category of the most important association in the world of computing. Finally, in 2011 he was named IEEE Fellow.

Jorge Vidart – 2008

Jorge Vidart graduated as Industrial Engineer from the University of the Republic, and holds a Master and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Grenoble (France).

In 1967 he was part of the group that introduced Computer Science at the University of the Republic, with the creation of the Computer Center and the first Informatics career in the country. After completing his doctorate, and having lost his position at the University of the Republic in 1973, he was Professor at the Simon Bolivar University. Caracas. Venezuela, and later, Director of the Escuela Superior Latinoamericana de Informática (ESLAI) in Argentina. During those 15 years he was a guest professor at several universities in France, England, Brazil and Argentina. He participated in the creation of PEDECIBA, and was the first person responsible for the informatics area of PEDECIBA.

He has given more than 40 lectures on Informatics topics, was a member of the Program Committee of 14 international conferences and has more than 20 publications.

He was Director of the National Informatics Commission (CONADI) of the Presidency of Uruguay, and advisor to the IDB, UNESCO and UNDP. As Director of CONADI, he was in charge of organizing the first editions of the Jornadas Informáticas de la Administración Pública y Privada (JIAP). He is currently Executive President of Tilsor S.A., Honorary Professor at the University of the Republic, President of ADME ( Electrical Market Administrator) on behalf of the Executive Power, and is a member of the Board of Directors of CAITI (Centro Académico Industrial de las Tecnologías de la Información) on behalf of the Uruguayan Chamber of Information Technology.

Ramon Puigjaner – 2007

Ramon Puigjaner obtained his Industrial Engineering degree from the Politechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) in 1964, his Maître ès Sciences Aéronautiques degree from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Aéronautique de Paris (France), his PhD degree in Industrial Engineering from the Politechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona, Spain) in 1972, and his BS degree in Informatics from the Politechnic University of Madrid (Spain) in 1972.

Between 1966 and 1987 he divided his time between the Politechnic University of Catalonia, where he taught and researched on Automatic Control, Computer Architecture and Performance Evaluation of Informatics Systems, and several jobs in industry, mainly from 1970 to 1987 at UNIVAC (then SPERRY and finally UNISYS) where he was in charge of the measurement and modeling of the performance of computer systems for their tuning and sizing in Spain.

In 1987 he joined full time the Departament de Ciències Matemàtiques i Informàtica of the Universitat de les Illes Balears (Palma de Mallorca, Spain) where he was University Professor of Computer Architecture and Technology from 1988 to 2010, when he retired. He is currently Professor Emeritus. From 1979 to 1982 he was Dean of the Faculty of Informatics at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and from 1988 to 2004 he was Director of the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of the Balearic Islands. His current research interests are the performance evaluation of computer and communication systems, particularly in real-time systems, distributed systems and intelligent environment systems.

He is the author of a book on performance evaluation and some two hundred peer-reviewed papers on the complete work in international journals and conferences on communication networks, performance evaluation and informatics history. He has been involved in the organization of international conferences as President, Chairman of the Program Committee and Chairman of the Organizing Committee. He is the Spanish representative in the IFIP General Assembly and has been from 1996 to 2011 in the Technical Committee 6 (Communication Networks). He has been founder and chairman of IFIP Working Group 6.9 Communication Networks for Developing Countries. He is a Life Senior Member of the IEEE and a Distinguished Educator Member of the ACM. He received the IFIP Silver Core Award in 1997, the José García Santesmases Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007 and the CLEI Award in 2007. In 2010 he was invested Doctor Honoris Causa by the National University of Asuncion (Paraguay).

Aldo Migliaro – 2006

Aldo Migliaro actively participated in the creation of the Center for Computer and Information Sciences in 1970. This study center is the current School of Computer Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV), which corresponds to the informatics area of the PUCV in which the careers of Computer Engineering and Civil Engineering are taught, today also the Master’s degree in Computer Science.

He was in charge of the organization of the Panel Discussion on Computer Topics in 1974, today transformed into the Latin American Conference on Informatics, which is an itinerant event in Spanish-speaking countries. He was the organizer of the Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática, CLEI, in 1979, being its first Executive Secretary until 1986. He was an honorary member of CLEI in 1992. He is also a founding partner of the company Ingeniería de Software Ltda. in 1979, which is a company that has developed for 27 years and currently has 30 professionals in the development of informatics solutions mainly for the region and the country. He has been part of the Organizing Committee of the Center of Computer and Information Sciences, Director of the Center of Computer and Information Sciences of the UCV, Director of the School of Computer Engineering and President of the Program Committee of the Latin American Informatics Conference. He currently serves as Administration and Finance Manager of the company Ingeniería de Software Ltda. and Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Engineering of the Catholic University of Valparaiso.