SLIS is an event with the objective of addressing interdisciplinarily how they relate (articulate, co-build), information and communication technologies (computer science, digital technologies) and our Latin American societies. Original contributions are sought in the field of social studies of information and communication technologies, and their relationship with the construction of our societies (including, among others, historical, sociological, economic, legal-political studies).
Topics of Interest
The axes of the presentations may deal with any of the following topics, although they are not in any way an exhaustive or exclusive list:
Information and knowledge society or cognitive and informational capitalism:
The economies of knowledge and innovation. The digital era and the characterizations of the present stage of capitalism: social classes, exploitation, property and the production of value. The current scope of the classical concepts of human and social sciences. e-Science, e-Health, e-Justice, e-Tourism, e-Education, etc. Electronic Government and e-Democracy.
Public policies, regulations and Internet governance:
Legal-political and institutional aspects of Internet governance. Freedom of expression and the right to communication. The human right to privacy in the digital age. The protection of personal data and information in general. Tensions about neutrality and non-neutrality of the network (isonomy). The regulation of telecommunications. Electronic government and the challenges of open government (works management, information and data).
Intellectual property, collaborative production and copyleft:
The expansion of intellectual rights. Features and limitations of copyright and copyright laws. Collaborative production and open paradigms. Free software and open software. Contained under open and free licenses (eg Creative Commons, GPL). Open hardware Open science Open innovation (fab labs, hacker spaces, business models). Public domain and the state public sphere. Appropriations for profit of free software, content and data. The legal protection of common intellectual property. Legal, Ethical and Social Aspects of Computing.
Culture and digital technologies:
The transformations in the processes of production, circulation and consumption of cultural goods in the different social sectors. Music, cinema, TV, literature. Cultural patterns online: cybercultures, hacker culture, virtual communities. Transformations in individual and collective identities, youth cultures. Studies on social networking sites. Asymmetries about copying capabilities: who and how are they allowed or forbidden to copy.
Education and digital technologies:
Virtual and distance education, virtual learning environments, collaborative learning, mutations in the roles of teaching actors. Digital inclusion and education: the Connect Equality program and other “1 to 1” plans in Latin America. The characterizations of software, hardware and infrastructure. Changes in the organizational dimension. Public and normative policies of educational institutions. The emergence of new roles in education: contentists, school technical referents, etc.
Work and digital technologies:
Telecommuting, intangible work, informational work, digital work. Features of the work processes mediated by digital technologies, case studies, relocation, outsourcing and delaboralization. Internet-mediated work: volunteering or unpaid work? New business models. The SSI sector: recent performance and trends: employment, exports, imports, wages, working conditions, unionization, gender, etc.
Control, surveillance and big data:
Filtration, espionage and mass surveillance: Assange, Manning, Snowden. Tensions over the Internet of Things. Social studies on the management of big data (security cameras, medical data, cloud services, etc.). Whose data are they ?: data ownership and “fingerprint”. Modulations of subjectivity in the digital age.
Emerging Themes:
The growth of cryptocurrencies (eg BitCoin). The construction of artificial intelligences: will they be public, private or common? Rethinking human rights in the digital age. Regulations in the development and use of drones, robots and intelligent machines. Social studies of computer science applied to agricultural and industrial processes. Social tensions about computer science applied to health.
Job Submission
Submissions must be made through EasyChair
- Juan Carlos Torres (UTPL), Ecuador
- Vladimir Villarreal
Program Committee
#They are proposed by the Chairs
First and Last Name (First Name Univers