Sending of works

The papers can be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English, and will be reviewed by an international program committee composed of members of the academy and industry. Submissions must be made through EasyChair to the link: EASYCHAIR

Authors should select the symposium or appropriate parallel event carefully.

Format for Submission of Works

The works (complete, maximum 10 pages), should be sent, in PDF, in the IEEE format (Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings)FORMAT

Submitted articles must not be published or under review in any other conference or national or international publication. The authors must abide by the Code of Conduct of Authors of CLEI.

Review process

All articles will be subject to “single blind review” by, at least, three members of the Scientific Committee. Reviewers will be governed by the CLEI Code of Conduct for Reviewers ( CLEI ). ‘

Submission of Articles

The authors of the articles accepted at the conference will have 20 minutes for their oral presentation and 5 minutes for their discussion.
The submitted articles should be in the major themes proposed in any of the CLEI events (topics proposed for each topic are merely indicative, not intending to restrict them).

Publication and indexing

To ensure the publication of an approved article in the Conference reports, at least one of the authors will have to register for the conference, and the article will respect the suggested format and not exceed the maximum number of pages planned. In addition, the authors of works that receive recommendations to improve the article, should follow them before sending the final version.
The articles (full papers) presented during CLEI 2020 will be sent for inclusion to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

The best articles will be selected for possible publication in the following journals:

• Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science: These items will not be included in the memories.
• CLEI Electronic Journal: The authors invited to submit to CLEI Electronic Journal must present an improved and expanded version in English that will undergo a new evaluation process.