SLIOIA It is an event that brings together the Latin American Artificial Intelligence and Operational Research community in general, in a forum to exchange ideas, experiences and research results among teachers, researchers, students and company representatives. Original contributions are sought in the different areas of Artificial Intelligence and Operational Research, both from academic research, as industrial and business applications that have an impact and provide lessons in the development of these.
Topics of Interest
- Multicriteria Analysis
- Applications to production planning
- Applications of operational research and related disciplines
- Economic-financial applications
- Applications in environmental management
- Supply chain
- Heuristics
- Stochastic Optimization
- Combinatorial optimization
- Nonlinear optimization planning and scheduling
- Stochastic processes
- Dynamic programming
- Whole programming
- Linear and nonlinear programming
- Tail theory simulation
- Graphic Schema Theory
- Games theory
- Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems
- Smart environments
- Machine learning
- Formal and empirical aspects of Artificial Intelligence
- Bioinspired Computing
- Search
- Evolutionary computing
- Diffuse logic
- Planning and scheduling
- Natural Language Processing
- Automatic reasoning
- Pattern Recognition
- Speech recognition
- Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- Knowledge representation
- Robotics
- Satisfaction of restrictions
- Expert and knowledge-based systems
- Artificial life
- Artificial vision
Innovative of Artificial Intelligence in: Data Analysis, Bigdata,
Bioinformatics, Education, Business Intelligence, Human Computer Interaction, Data Mining, Personalization and Recommendation Systems, Social Networks, Virtual Reality, Security, etc.
Job Submission
Submissions must be made through EasyChair
- María Pérez (EPN), Ecuador
- Adriana Giret (UPV), España
Program Committee
#They are proposed by the Chairs
First and Last Name (First Name University)