VI Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest

The development of Computation as a science has reached a very important maturity in Latin America, being reflected in the numerous postgraduate programs that are currently providing, both the academic degree of masters and doctorates. Currently, there are a significant number of PhD programs in Computer Science accredited in Latin America, in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela. To encourage the development of doctoral programs, the Latin American Center for Computer Studies (CLEI) has been conducting the Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest (CLTD), in which all CLEI member Universities can participate. After five very successful calls, the sixth edition of the Latin American Doctoral Thesis Contest is called. The CLTD 2020 will be held within the framework of the XLVI Latin American Conference of Informatics (CLEI 2020), at the UTPL, Loja, Ecuador.

Important dates

Deadline for receipt of work: Jun 14, 2020 (extended)
Notification of results: August 3, 2020
Deadline for sending the final summary: September 6, 2020

Contest Objective

The objective of the contest is to reward and disseminate the work of students who have recently completed their PhD thesis in Computation or Computer Science in Latin America, being understood as such, a thesis whose content is referred to some of the disciplinary areas defined in the Computer curriculum established by the IEEE / ACM. This distinction allows to include the doctoral works of many universities that simply offer degrees of Doctor of Science, Doctor of Engineering, or any other name, that do not fully represent the academic content of the thesis. It is therefore the will of the CLTD, to include all those theses that have been developed in the area of ​​Computing in general, without discriminating by the specific name provided by the different universities.

Process to Participate

People who have graduated within the period from April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020, may participate in Doctoral programs of the Latin American and Caribbean Universities CLEI members. The submitted papers must be individual (not group). Participants must have fully completed the curriculum for the date of submission of the work, including the defense of the thesis before an examining tribunal.

To participate in the contest, a summary of the work done in the thesis must be submitted. Contributions will be judged by an evaluation committee, according to the quality and relevance of the research, the relevance of the chosen methodology, the original contributions achieved, publications in international conferences and hierarchy journals, which show the impact that it represents in the area of ​​their specialty, or patents that show relevance in innovation. The evaluation committee will choose the first three theses for the award.

Each application must contain the following material:

  • An extended summary, in Spanish, Portuguese or English, of a maximum length of 15 pages, in the IEEE work presentation format. The content of this summary must be original, and may not have been published or sent for publication anywhere else.
  • A PDF file with the complete list of articles and / or patents and / or awards and academic distinctions that originated from the thesis work, which were published both in journals, as well as in international and national conferences. In each case, the complete list of authors must be included.
  • A digitalized version of a certification issued by the institution granting the degree, indicating that the applicant effectively obtained the degree of Doctor in the period stipulated in this contest.
  • A letter of introduction from the applicant, containing information on the title of the Thesis, name, surname and email of the Director and Co-Director (if applicable), name of the degree obtained and the University that issued it. In said letter, the applicant must indicate that they are submitting the documentation to participate in the CLTD 2020.
  • A letter of guarantee from the representative of the University of the applicant, stating that the institution is a member of CLEI.

The delivery of the aforementioned documents must be made through the conference article management system, by sending a single .zip or .rar file, which must be called ‘First Name’ _ ‘Last Name’. Zip or ‘First Name’ _A Surname’.rar.


The prizes will be in dollars and will be given to the winners, after making a 30-minute presentation during the conference. The author of the thesis that obtains the first position will receive US $ 1,500, the second US $ 1,000 and the third US $ 750. If the oral presentation is not made, the corresponding prize will not be entitled.

The winning works will be published in the proceedings of the XLVI Latin American Conference of Informatics (CLEI 2020), so the summaries themselves must be unpublished.


  •  Nilda Yanguez, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (Panama)
  • Yván Tupac, Sociedad Peruana de Computación (Peru)

Evaluating committee

  • Erika Guetti Suca IME, USP, Brasil
  • Regina Paola Ticona Herrera Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú
  • Efren Gorrostieta Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, México
  • José Carlos Rangel Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Panamá
  • Horacio Legal-Ayala Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay
  • César Beltrán Castañón Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Perú
  • Nayeth I. Solorzano Alcivar Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral, ESPOL
  • Antonio González-Torres Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Daniel Alexis Gutierrez Pachas Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú
  • Ramon Puigjaner Universitat de les Illes Balears, España
  • Francisco Tirado Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España
  • Gonzalo Fernández-Del-Carpio Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú
  • Alvaro Henry Mamani Aliaga Universidad Nacional de San Agustín, Perú
  • Carlos A. Medina C. Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Panamá
  • Yván Túpac Valdivia Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú
  • Yessenia Yari Ramos Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú
  • Dennis Barrios Aranibar Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú
  • Alex Cartagena Gordillo Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur, Perú
  • Héctor Poveda Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Panamá
  • Vladimir Villarreal Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Panamá
  • Humberto Álvarez Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Panamá
  • Guillermo Enrique Calderón Ruiz Universidad Católica de Santa María, Perú
  • Sergio Ochoa Universidad de Chile, Chile
  • Benjamin Baran Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay
  • Rosiane de Freitas Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brasil
  • Julio Omar Santisteban Pablo Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú
  • Javier Sanchez Galán Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá,Panamá
  • Jose Eduardo Ochoa Luna Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú
  • Carlos Garcia Sanchez ArTeCS- Complutense University of Madrid, España
  • Fulvio Lizano Madriz Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
  • Manuel Eduardo Loaiza Fernández Universidad Católica San Pablo, Perú

First prize

Geometric Aspects and Random Delays in Probabilistic Broadcasting for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Author: Felipe Forero
University of the Andes and State University of Campinas

Second prize

Belief Change without Compactness

Author: Jandson Santos Ribeiro Santos
University of São Paulo

Third award

Measures of Invariance and Equivalence to Transformations in Convolutional Neural Networks

Author: Facundo Quiroga
National University of La Plata