- Promote topics of areas related to the working group, coordinating actions and disseminating activities.
- Support/oversee the annual LAWCC conference (propose chairs, program committee, themes, among others).
- Create a regional research network on Women in Computing topics.
- Generate synergies and collaborations by identifying possible joint projects.
- Coordinate efforts with the IFIP WG 9.8 Gender, Diversity and ICT and other similar working groups.

LAWCC Conference

Latin American Women in Computing Congress organized since 2009
- Alicia García Holgado, Universidad de Salamanca (Coordinator)
aliciagh@usal.es - Germania Rodríguez, Universidad Tecnológica Particular de Loja (Subcoordinator)
grrodriguez@utpl.edu.ec - Previous coordinator: Gabriela Marín, Universidad de Costa Rica
Join us
Join the community of Latin American women in computing to strengthen networks and initiatives taking place throughout Latin America: https://groups.google.com/g/siglawc
- E-mail: gt7@clei.org