CLEI Electronic Journal (CLEIej, ISSN 0717-5000) is the flagship publication of CLEI and was founded in 1998, currently having three issues per year as frequency of publication.
The objective of CLEI Electronic Journal is to promote research in Computer Science in Latin America. The journal publishes original and unpublished articles in Computer Science and its applications, after a blind peer review process (“single blind”, which implies that the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers).

Dr. Esteban Walter Gonzalez Clua – Editor-in-Chief
CLEI Electronic Journal is supported by CLEI and by the contribution of the Latin American and international community of researchers in the area, and does not apply any type of fee or economic charge for the submission and publication of papers. Since its creation in 1998, all its contents are publicly accessible, currently under a (CC)-BY license.
Indexes in which the journal is included:
- Scopus
- DBLP (Digital Bibliography and Library Project) classified in Computer Science Journals
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)
- Crossref
- Latindex Catalog 2.0 (Online Regional Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal)
- SciELO Uruguay (Scientific Electronic Library Online)
- Semantic Scholar
- Ingenta Connect
- ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources)
- SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank)
This journal provides open access to all its content, based on the principle that making research freely accessible to the public allows for a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Author Guidelines
To submit a paper register at CLEIej, and upload a .PDF file. If you have any doubt, please contact the Editor-in-Chief (Esteban Clua).
Paper Format
The standard style is the LaTeX article style (one column) using 10pt. It is recommended to employ the customized LaTeX class cleiej. A template together with style files can be downloaded here. Templates for OpenOffice and LibreOffice and Microsoft Office 97/2000/XP are also available. The final version of the paper, if accepted, must be sent together with the ASCII text of the title, authors, institutions, abstract, keywords (as well as optional Spanish/Portuguese abstracts and keywords).
Please check additional instructions for authors.