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Programa Simposio de Investigación de Operaciones e Inteligencia Artificial


Lunes 7 de octubre de 2013 (CLEI IOAI1)

Hora Identificador Artículo Título del Artículo
14:00 – 14:24 39 A Perception Group Decision Model to Evaluate Corporate Reputation
Ana Casado, Estela Yanez, and Jose Peláez
14:24 – 14:48 82 Evolutionary games and the evolution of cooperation
Rocío Botta, Gerardo Blanco, and Christian E. Schaerer
14:48 – 15:12 263 2-C6: An fine-grained algorithm to achieve 2-consistency
Marlene Arangu and Miguel Salido
15:12 – 15:36 346 A Quasi-Newton Optimization Algorithm to Solve Molecular Distance Geometry Problems
Mario Salvatierra Junior


Lunes 7 de octubre de 2013 (CLEI IOAI2)

Hora Identificador Artículo Título del Artículo
16:30 – 16:54 170* Building Models of Musical Compositions using Process Algebras
Salim Perchy and Gerardo M. Sarria M.
16:54 – 17:18 297 Automatic detection of motorcyclists without helmet
Romuere Silva, Kelson Aires, Thiago Santos, Kalyf Abdala, Rodrigo Veras, and André Soares
17:18 – 17:42 419 Stability of p-Cycles in WDM Optical Networks with Dynamic Traffic: A Multi-objective Approach
Francisco Mendoza, María Mercedes Melián, Enrique Dávalos, and Christian Von Lucken
17:42 – 18:06 249 Design and Implementation of an Intelligent System to detect Quality State of Temperature Defects in Hot Rolled Strips
Magaly Castro, Alejandro Zambrano, Olga Prado, Yolimar Espinoza, Juan García, Julio Temprano, Esnardo Morales, and Marlon Rojas


Miércoles 9 de octubre de 2013 (CLEI IOAI3)

Hora Identificador Artículo Título del Artículo
14:00 – 14:24 61 Vehicle scheduling for suburban public transport
Sebastián Alaggia, Antonio Mauttone, and María Urquhart
14:24 – 14:48 169 Comparison and Fusion Model in Protein Motifs
Junior Amilcar Altamiranda Perez, Jose Aguilar, and Christian Delamarche
14:48 – 15:12 184 Weight factors optimization for university admission
Andrés Ricardo Torres Martínez and Ángel García Baños
15:12 – 15:36 211 Local Search Heuristics for the Flowshop Sequence Dependent Group Scheduling Problem
Nilson Felipe Matos Mendes, Jose Elias Claudio Arroyo, and Harlem Mauricio Madrid Villadiego


Miércoles 9 de octubre de 2013 (CLEI IOAI4)

Hora Identificador Artículo Título del Artículo
16:30 – 16:54 88 Multi-agent Geosimulation for a Water distribution System
Virginia Padilla Sifontes and Jacinto Davila
16:54 – 17:18 172* A Framework to Generate Synthetic Multi-label Datasets
Jimena Torres Tomás, Newton Spolaôr, Everton Alvares Cherman, and Maria-Carolina Monard
17:18 – 17:42 270 Cultural Algorithms-Based Learning Model for Multi-Agent Systems
Juan Carlos Terán Picón, Jose Aguilar, and Mariela Cerrada