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V Latin American Women in Computing Congress (LAWCC-2013)

Since 2009, The Latin American Women in Computing Congress (LAWCC) is an event that is organized as part of the Latin American Conference on Computation (CLEI), annually promoted by the Latin-american Center for Informatics Studies (CLEI).

Its main objective is to highlight research, interest, and achievements of women in different area of computation, with the goal to promote and encourage active participation of women in diverse fields of computation. Throughout presentations, it is expected to identify the challenges that face women in the Information Technology and Communication (ITC), teaching, job market, and research.

The goal is to find ways to confront the gender related recurrent problems and the interaction with society in this context.

LAWCC 2013 will be part of CLEI 2013, which will be held in October 7-11, 2013, in the town of Naiguatá, Vargas, Venezuela.


Topics of the Conference

LAWCC 2013 invites to present papers which report original contribution or relevant experiences in the following topics, but they are not limited to:

  • Encouraging participation of women in IT areas
  • Gender equity and IT
  • Gender particularities in developing and deploying ITs
  • Gender particularities in teaching ITs
  • Analysis of research activities of women in ITs
  • Gender and Human-Computer Interaction
  • Female leadership models in Computation
  • Social networks and women
  • Women participation in decisions making at national and international levels, regarding to the use of ITs.
  • Public policies for women and ITs


Yudith Cardinale

Maria Carolina Monard


Members of the Program Committee

  • Adamatti Diana (FURG, Brazil)
  • Barrantes Gabriela (UCR, Costa Rica)
  • Besembel Isabel (ULA, Venezula)
  • Cancela Héctor (UdelaR, Uruguay)
  • Chikhani Angela (USB, Venezuela)
  • Costa Simone (UFP, Brazil)
  • Díaz Alicia Lifia (UNLP, Argentina)
  • Gil Costa Verónica (UNSL, Argentina)
  • Huerta Mónica (USB, Venezuela)
  • León Claudia (UCV, Venezuela)
  • Lladó Catalina (UIB, Spain)
  • Loiseau Irene (UBA, Argentina)
  • Marín Gabriela (UCR, Costa Rica)
  • Pinto Roa Diego Pedro (UNA, Paraguay)
  • Pont Ana (UPV, Spain)
  • Puigjaner Ramon (UIB, Spain)
  • Sanchez Lourdes (ANIEI, Mexico)
  • Urquhart María (UdelaR, Uruguay)
  • Vargas Solar Genoveva (CNRS-LIG-LAFMIA, France)
  • Vidal María Esther (USB, Venezuela)
  • Von Lucken Christian (UNA, Paraguay)