Author Instructions for Camera Ready Paper for LAWCC
This page contains instructions for authors of accepted papers of LAWCC on how to prepare and submit the camera ready version of their papers.
Accepted papers of LAWCC will be published in the proceedings of the conference.
Final paper submission consists of five critical steps:
- Step 1: Make enhancements to your paper according to the reviewer’s recommendation
- Step 2: Format final version of your paper according to IEEE style
- Step 3: Generate a PDF file for you paper
- Step 4: Submit the final PDF version of your paper
- Step 5: Send your Registration
Failure to comply with all the required elements by July 31st, 2013, will lead to the removal of the papers from the technical program and the conference record.
Step 2 – Format final version of your paper according to IEEE style
The formatting instructions provided in this section MUST be strictly followed in order for your paper to be included in the conference proceedings.
General Instructions
- The camera ready version of your paper must not exceed 12 double column pages, including an abstract of up to 150 words, keywords, figures, acknowledgments, and references. If the paper is written in Spanish or Portuguese, it should has two abstracts. The first abstract must be English, and the other one in the language of the paper (Spanish or Portuguese). The title of the paper must be in the same language as the paper. That is, you cannot put the title of your paper in English if the paper is written in Spanish or in Portuguese. The reference format for the submission of articles is the IEEE standard (Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings).
- Use single-space, two-column US Letter page size (8.5″ x 11″).
- Caption of figures must be centered bellow them.
- Caption of tables must be centered above them.
- Verify that your figures and tables have a high resolution and that text inside them can be easily read. Papers with low resolution figures will be remove from the technical program and the conference record.
- Use IEEE style for your references.
- DO NOT put hyperlinks in your manuscript (you can have references to web pages, but these references must not be linked).
- DO NOT page number your manuscript.
- DO NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.
- Only PDF format is accepted.
Step 3 – Generate a PDF file for you paper
Camera ready version of accepted papers of LAWCC must be submitted as a PDF file. Generate the corresponding PDF file. Verify that the file does not have hyperlinks, does not have more than 12 pages, and that the structure of your manuscript (flow layout) was not changed by the PDF conversion. Check that your figures and tables have high resolution, that you used the IEEE reference format and that your citations to the references were successfully generated.
Step 4 – Submit the final PDF version of your paper
The final PDF version of your paper must be submitted through EasyChair by July 31st, 2013. Failure to comply with all the required elements by July 31st, 2013 will lead to the removal of the paper from the technical program of LAWCC.
Before you proceed to upload your camera ready paper, check that you did not add page numbers to it and that your figures and tables have high resolution. Also, verify that you used IEEE style for your references and US letter format (8.5″ x 11″). For paper in Spanish and Portuguese, review that the abstract in English was placed before the other abstract (Spanish or Portuguese), and that the title of the paper is in the same language as the paper.
Step 5 – Send your Registration
For registration, please visit the Registration Web Page.