The XL Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI 2014) is an event which gathers, in a unique place, multiple conferences and computing related events.
CLEI is an annual event promoted by the Latin American Center for Computational Studies (Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Informática), which gathers researchers, professors, and students from Latin American Universities and Research Centers to discuss research, teaching, and development of computing science in the region.
CLEI 2014 is jointly organized by the five universities with computing careers in Uruguay: Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Universidad Católica del Uruguay, Universidad ORT Uruguay, Universidad de Montevideo y Universidad de la Empresa.
CLEI 2014 will be held in various rooms of the building “José Luis Massera” at the Enginieering School, UdelaR, as well as in the auditorium of this building and in the auditorium of the Engineering School.