Results of the Latin American Contest of Master Thesis

We are pleased to announce the three winning of Latin American Contest of Master Thesis (CLTM-2014). The work was very difficult due to the high quality of dissertations submitted, and their thematic variety that make more difficult the comparison between works in different areas of knowledge. It is the desire of the Evaluator Committee that all students, regardless of having received the award, continue doing good work and have the best of success in their academic or professional career.

The three winning Master’s Thesis are:

  • FIRST PRIZE: Phablo Moura (Instituto de Matemática e Estatística – Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil), “Convex Recoloring of Graphs: Algorithms and Polyhedra”.
  • SECOND PRIZE: Tiago Andrade (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, Brazil), “Integration of Wireless Sensors Networks using Radio-over-Fiber Technology”.
  • THIRD PRIZE: Fabio López (Parque Tecnológico Itaipu, Paraguay), “Multi-Objective Virtual Machine Placement with Service Level Agreement”.

This year we received 18 Master’s Thesis from 7 different countries: Argentina (1), Brazil (8), Chile (1), Cuba (2), México (3), Paraguay (1), Uruguay (2).

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