Call for Papers

CLEI XL calls for papers reporting results of a theoretical nature and/or practice that advance the state of the art or present relevant applications or cases in the areas of interest of the symposia or associated events.

Papers can be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English, and should be sent in PDF format using the EasyChair platform, following the IEEE formating recommendations (Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings) with a size of US letter (8.5″ x 11″). Caption of figures must be centered bellow them.  Caption of tables must be centered above them.

  • Submitted papers must present original research results or relevant experience reports, and should not be published or under evaluation for other conferences and/or journals. An article can be sent to only one symposium or associated event. Submitting the same article to several symposia or associated events will be basis for rejection.
  • Submissions should not exceed 12 pages, including figures, references and an abstract of 150 words in the official language accepted by CLEI 2014 (Spanish, Portuguese and English). If the submissions are written in Spanish or Portuguese, they should have an abstract in English. Submitted papers must be formatted according to IEEE standard (Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings).
  • Submitted papers must be substantial intellectual contributions of the authors and follow practices to avoid plagiarism as set out in the Operations Manual for Services and Products Publication of IEEE.
  • The final program and the proceedings will only include papers with at least one author registered in the AUTHOR category of the conference before final version submission deadline.
  • A selection of the best papers accepted and presented at the symposia of CLEI 2014 will be proposed for publication in selected journals such as CLEI Electronic Journal  and Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Invited authors must submit an improved and expanded version of the article in English that will undergo a new evaluation process.
  • Only papers accepted and presented at the symposia of CLEI 2014 will be indexed and published by IEEE Xplorer digital library (pending).

Information for Tutorials proposals

Submissions for tutorials are welcome (half a day or full day) which present research results, the state of the art of a particular topic, or to introduce a topic of industrial or academic interest.

The tutorial proposal should be sent in PDF format, through the EasyChair platform, including the following information:

  • Title of the Tutorial
  • Content
  • Duration
  • Target Audience
  • Brief CVs of the presenters
  • Language of instruction (English, Portuguese or Spanish)

CFPs in PDF Format

CLEI Symposia

Associated Events