This web page contains instructions
for authors of articles accepted in the 35th International Conference of
the Chilean Computer Science Society, about how to prepare and submit the final
version of their manuscripts for publication in SCCC 2016 Proceedings.
Articles accepted and presented during the conference will be indexed and published by IEEE Xplore.
It is important that authors
of accepted articles follow the steps specified below ( see details on
each in the following sections below):
Failure to comply with all required elements by September 20, 2016 will result in the deletion of the article from the technical program of the conference (SCCC 2016 Proceedings).
Step 2 – Format the final version of your article according to IEEE style:
Formatting instructions provided
in this section should be followed strictly for your article to be
included in the proceedings of SCCC 2016.
General Instructions:
- - The final version of your article should not exceed 12 pages, including a summary of up to 150 words, keywords, figures, acknowledgments, and references .
- must have a single title ( in English ), ONE summary (in English ), and a single list of keywords (in English ) . That is , if your article is written in Spanish or Portuguese, the title, abstract , and the list of keywords must be in English. Do not put a second title ( in Spanish or Portuguese ) , or a second summary (in Spanish or Portuguese ), or a second list of keywords ( in Spanish or Portuguese ).
Copyright Notice
A copyright notice should be included at the bottom - left of the first page of each article in accordance with the general rules set out in Cataloging / Copyright Instructions for an IEEE Conference Proceeding . Detailed instructions can be found in For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 978-1-5090-3339-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-5090-3339-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 European Union
- For all other papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-5090-3339-3/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
Referential image first page. -
- The reference format for the final version of the articles is the IEEE standard (Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings):- Submit articles on two columns, simple line spacing, with letter size page ( 8.5 "x 11").
- The title of the figures should be centered below them.
- The title of tables should be centered above them.
- Use IEEE style for references.
- Verify that figures and tables have a high resolution and their text can be read easily. Articles whose figures or tables have a low resolution will be removed from the technical program of the conference. - - Do not place page numbers to your manuscript.
- - Do not apply security settings to your PDF file.
- - only PDF files (preferably generated by the IEEE PDF eXpress service ) are accepted.
Step 3 – Generate a compatible PDF file for your article using the PDF eXpress service
The final version of articles should
be submitted as a PDF file compatible with IEEE Xplore . Even if you
can create a compatible IEEE Xplore PDF file with other media, you must
use IEEE PDF eXpress service to verify compatibility.
PDF eXpress is a free service
for IEEE conferences, enabling authors to generate compatible PDF files
with IEEE Xplore ( conversion function ) or verify that PDF files the
authors have generated are compatible with IEEE Xplore ( check function )
If you want to submit a file to PDF eXpress source for conversion , PDF eXpress converts the following types of PDF files :
Instructions for using PDF eXpress :
If you already have an account with PDF eXpress , access the PDF eXpress website by clicking here and using 39569XP as conference ID.
If you do not already own PDF eXpress account , you can create one using the following steps:
Now that you have an PDF eXpress account, for each article to generate do the following:
Note 1: The PDF eXpress
website contains instructions, resources, and support. Through your PDF
eXpress account, you can submit your source files ( e.g. , DOC or DOCX )
to be converted to PDF, and / or submit PDF files for verification. If
there is a problem with your file, you will receive an email detailing
the problem. Otherwise , the system will send an email with the PDF file
compatible with IEEE Xplore . Double check the generated PDF file
before loading it into Easychair,
especially its structure ( layout ) and the graphic resolution of the
figures. If your compatible PDF file with IEEE Xplore is well, is the
PDF file to be loaded into Easychair.
If you have questions about
PDF eXpress, contact the help desk by sending an email IEEE a If you have technical questions related to PDF
eXpress website, contact the service by sending an email to
Note 2: PDF eXpress is not an article collection system and does not replace Easychair. Once verified that you have an IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file you must upload your file to Easychair before September 20, 2016.
Step 4 – Complete and sign the Copyright
The author responsible for each accepted
in the eight Latin American symposia and SIESC must complete the
copyright form no later than September 20, 2016 for the article to be
indexed by IEEE Xplore.
This time, the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form - eCF system will be used. When filling in the form, it is important to check that the title and authors of the article are identical with the final manuscript. Otherwise the article may not be published by IEEEXplore. Please follow the steps in the following link ( and finally you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of the completed copyright form.
Step 5 – Upload the final version of the article in JEMS
The final version of your article should be uploaded through Easychair until September 20, 2016 for inclusion in the technical program of the conference ( CLEI Proceedings ).
Before uploading the final
version of your article, check that you did not add page numbers and
that figures and tables have a high resolution. Also, check that you
used the IEEE style for references and that the article is in letter
format ( 8.5 "x 11"). Articles should have a unique title, one abstract, and a single list of keywords (the three in English only).
Also check having formatted the
final version of the article in a PDF file compatible with IEEE Xplore .
For this reason, you must use PDF eXpress to generate or verify the PDF
file of your article (see Step 3 ) . IEEE Xplore reserves the right not
to publish non compatible articles or that not follow format
It is important to remember that
one of the authors must present the article in the conference,
otherwise the article will be published only in the SCCC proceedings but
not in IEEE Xplore.
Step 6 – Register to the conference
Every article must have associated a registration in the Author category . To register, please visit, Registration option.