Modern database systems manage very large volume of database constraints. The cost spent in maintenance constraints is quite expensive because most of integrity specifications have dynamic parameters from applications domain with irregular and intermittent changes. Thus, data constraints can be considered dynamic requirements and therefore demanding all the associated cares. In recent evolution, the representation models of database constraints uses predicates group without a classification, becoming poor and inflexible to represent the rules which are usually found in real problems and still, demanding a great effort from the teams of software database for their maintenance. The constraints maintenance can be motivated to real world changes that reach the integrity conditions of applications, being the time a dimension to represent the boundary of applicability in constraints. This article defines a temporal modeling of variability features in database constraints to represent efficiently the moment (instant or interval) when assertions must be used to enforce the data integrity. Using the scenarios modeling, both constraint variability features (survivability and applicability) are represented by time predicates, using the extended temporal logic incorporated in Object Constraint Language (OCL), and thus resulting in the modeling extension for dynamic constraints involved in database updating.