GIRo (Grafcet - Industrial Robots): A Generic Environment for Programming Industrial Robots O®-Line

Gustavo V. Arnold*, Pedro R, Henriques
Department of Informatics, University of Minho
Braga, Portugal
Email: gva,

Jaime C. Fonseca
Department of Industrial Electronic, University of Minho
Braga, Portugal

This paper presents GIRo (Grafcet - Industrial Robots), that is a generic environment for programming industrial robots off-line. GIRo focus on the modelling of the system, based on the Grafcet specification diagram, rather than on the robot details, improving the programming and maintenance tasks, allowing the reuse of source code. GIRo also allows the programmer to write programs in the robot language, if he is familiarized with the robot commands. With GIRo: the user can program robots in a high or low level; portability for the source code is granted; reuse of source code for di®erent robots is allowed; programming task is facilitated. It is easy-to-use. So, GIRo is "giro1".
Palavras Chaves: Compilers, Programming Environment, Industrial Robots Programming Languages, Generic Code Generator.