25 - 29 de Noviembre de 2002

Montevideo, Uruguay

Radisson Victoria Plaza Hotel

Virtual communities of Learning: A proposal for the Medium Teaching

Maria Helena S. Vasconcelos
Universidade Católica de Pelotas Escola de Informática
Leonardo Lemos de Souza
PBF and Yazigi International

The development of the Web produced countless proposal of virtual organizations, such as the Virtual Communities which constitute one in the most natural and efficient ways of integrating the communication and distribution of the resources among people with ideas, interests and common objectives. Such communities are ruled by the same principles that rule the development of real communities (RealCommunities, 2000). In this article it is described a study of the major concepts and ideas used in the virtual communities' construction, especially focalizing the learning communities. It`s also introduced a general vision of a prototype, that this being developed in order to construct a system for a virtual community of learning bound for the Medium Teaching.

Keywords: Virtual communities, learning, medium teaching

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infoUYclei 2002