Reappraising double pendulum dynamics across multiple computational platforms
Chaotic Dynamics, Computational Platforms, Nonlinear Dynamics, Numerical Simulations, Sensitivity AnalysisAbstract
This study presents the complexity and sensitivity of chaotic system dynamics in the case of the double pendulum. It applied detailed numerical analyses of the double pendulum in multiple computing platforms in order to demonstrate the complexity in behavior of the system of double pendulums. The equations of motion were derived from the Euler-Lagrange formalism, in order to capture the system's dynamics, which is coupled nonlinearly. These were solved numerically using the efficient Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method, implemented in Python, R, GNU Octave, and Julia, while runtimes and memory usage were extensively benchmarked across these environments. Time series analyses, including the calculation of Shannon entropy and the Kolmogorov - Smirnov test, quantified the system's unpredictability and sensitivity to infinitesimal perturbations of the initial conditions. Phase space diagrams illustrated the intricate trajectories and strange attractors, as further confirmation of the chaotic nature of the double pendulum. All the findings have a clear indication of the importance of accurate measurements of the initial condition in a chaotic system, contributing to an increased understanding of nonlinear dynamics. Future research directions are faster simulations using Numba and GPU computing, stochastic effects, chaotic synchronization, and applications in climate modeling. This work will be useful for understanding chaos theory and efficient computational approaches in complex systems of dynamical nature.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Sandy Herho, Faiz Fajary, Katarina Herho, Iwan Anwar, Rusmawan Suwarman, Dasapta Irawan

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