OJS Platform migration completed


Dear CLEIej authors, reviewers and editors,

we are glad to announce you that the migration to the new OJS platform is completed.

The current address for the CLEIej journal is again www.clei.org/cleiej

Also, the papers (starting from 1998 onwards) have been assigned DOI numbers, you can (and should) now include the DOI addresses when citing papers from CLEIej with the following format:

http://dx.doi.org/10.19153/cleiej.[volumen number].[issue number].[paper number]

For instance, the very first paper published at CLEIej, "An Object-Oriented Frameworks-based Architecture for Decision Support Systems" by Karin Becker and François Bodart in 1998, can be accessed at the following link:


We advise you all to check your past papers, and if you find that anything went amiss in the migration process, please write us at cleiejeditor@fing.edu.uy  so that we can correct the problem.

Thanks for your continued support of the journal, best regards

Hector Cancela