
CLEI is the main yearly Latin American informatics and computer science forum for exchanging ideas, experiences and research results among researchers, practitioners, and students. CLEI 2016 will consist of nine (9) thematic symposia and several keynotes, workshops, tutorials, and panels.
CLEI 2016 calls for papers reporting results of a theoretical nature and/or practice that advance the state of the art or present relevant applications or cases in the areas of interest of the symposia or associated events. It aims for a mixed academic and industrial audience.
Proceeding 2016
Hoteles y alojamientos
Valparaíso, llamada la Joya del Pacífico, es entrar a una dimensión llena de colores, arte y cultura. La ciudad de Valparaíso fue declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO el año 2003 por su rica cultura y urbanismo.
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