John E. Hopcroft es Profesor IBM de Ingeniería y Matemáticas Aplicadas en Ciencias de la Computación en la Universidad de Cornell. Desde Enero de 1994 hasta junio de 2011, el fue decano de Ingeniería Joseph Silbert. Recibió su título de Maestría (M.S.) en 1962 y de Doctorado (Ph.D.) en 1964 en Ingeniería Eléctrica en la Universidad de Stanford y estuvo por cerca de tres años en la facultad de la Universidad de Princeton. Se unió a la facultad de Cornell en 1967, siendo nombrado como profesor solo hasta 1972 y profesor Joseph C. Ford en Ciencias de la Computación en 1985. Se ha desempeñado como Presidente del Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación desde 1987 hasta 1992 y fue decano asociado para asuntos superiores en 1993. Como exalumno de Pregrado de la Universidad de Seattle, Hopcroft fue condecorado con el título Honoris Causa de Doctor en Humanidades en 1990. Hopcroft centra sus investigaciones sobre aspectos teóricos de la computación, especialmente análisis de algoritmos, teoría de autómatas y algoritmos de grafos. El ha sido co-autor de 4 libros sobre lenguajes formales y algoritmos con Jeffrey D. Ullman y Alfred V. Aho. Su mas reciente trabajo es sobre el estudio de captura y acceso de la información. Fue condecorado con el premio A. M. Turing en 1986. Es miembro de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias (National Academy of Sciences - NAS), la Academia Nacional de Ingeniería (National Academy of Engineering - NAE), de la Academia Americana de Artes y Ciencias (American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), miembro de la Asociación Americana para el avance de la ciencia (American Association for the Advancement of Science), el instituto de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos (IEEE) y de la Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). En 1992 fue nombrado por el presidente Bush en la National Science Board (NSB) (Junta Nacional de Ciencias), la cual supervisa a la National Science Foundation (NSF), cargo en el que se desempeñó hasta mayo de 1998. Hopcroft además, estuvo en el Consejo de la Comisión Nacional de Investigación en Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Aplicaciones (National Research Council's Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications). Además de los anteriores nombramientos, Hopcroft también se desempeñó como miembro del Comité Científico Asesor de la Fundación David and Lucile Packard Fellowships en Ciencia e Ingeniería, en el Comité de administración y finanzas de la Sociedad para las Matemáticas Aplicadas e Industriales (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics SIAM), miembro de la junta asesora del Instituto de Tecnología de la Información de Indraprastha Delhi (Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology Delhi - IIIT New Delhi), asesor técnico de la Junta de Investigación de Microsoft para Asia, de la junta Asesora en Ingeniería de la Universidad de Seattle y del Comité de Programa de la Iniciativa en Ciencias Chile Millenium (Chile Millennium Science Initiative).
Dr. Jorge L Diaz-Herrera is Professor and President of Keukla College since July 1, 2011. Prior to this position was was Professor and founding Dean of the College of Computing and Information Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, New York, since July, 2002. Prior to this appointment, he was Professor of Computer Science and Department Head at SPSU in Atlanta and Yamacraw project coordinator with Georgia Tech. He has had other academic appointments with Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute, Monmouth University in NJ, George Mason University in VA, and at SUNY Binghamton, NY. Dr. Diaz-Herrera has conducted extensive consulting services with a number of firms and government agencies including: New York Stock Exchange (SIAC), MITRE Corp., the Institute for Defense Analysis, General Electric, Singer-Link, TRW, EG&G, IBM, among others. He has also provided professional expertise to international organizations including the European Software Institute, Australian Defense Science and Technology Office, Kyoto Computing Gaikum, Kuwait University, Cairo University, Instituto Politecnico Santo Domingo (INTEC), and Malaysia University of Technology, among others. Dr. Diaz-Herrera has chaired several national and international conferences, and has been a technical reviewer for the National Science Foundation, the American Society for Engineering Education, and several conferences and journals. He has more than 90 publications. He served as writer of the IEEE-CS Software Engineering Professional Examination, and co-edited the Software Engineering volume of the ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula 2004. He is also an active member of the CRA-Deans group of the Computer Research Association in Washington, D.C. He serves and has served on various technical advisory committees and national governing boards including SEI Technical Advisory Group, NSF/CISE Advisory Committee, NY State Universal Broadband Council, among others. Dr. Diaz-Herrera completed his undergraduate education in Venezuela, and holds both a Masters and Ph.D. in Computing Studies from Lancaster University, in the UK. He recently completed the Graduate Certificate in Management Leadership in Education from Harvard University Graduate School of Education.
Mario Gerla holds the Engineering degree from the Politecnico di Milano, Italy and the Ph.D. degree from UCLA. He became IEEE Fellow in 2002. As a Graduate Student at UCLA, he was part of the team that worked on the early ARPA Network system and protocols under the guidance of Prof. Leonard Kleinrock. After four years at Network Analysis Corporation in NY, he joined the UCLA Faculty in 1976. At UCLA he has designed network protocols including ad hoc wireless clustering, multicast (ODMRP and CODECast) and Internet transport (TCP Westwood). He has lead the ONR MINUTEMAN project, designing the next generation scalable airborne Internet for tactical and homeland defense scenarios. He is now leading several advanced wireless network projects under Industry and Government funding. His team is developing a Vehicular Testbed for safe navigation, content distribution, urban sensing and intelligent transport. Parallel research activities are wireless medical monitoring using smart phones and cognitive radios in urban environments. He has served on several Conference Program Committees including MobiCom, MobiHoc, MedHocNet and WONS. He is on the IEEE TON Scientific Advisory Board.
1970-1983: school at Grundschule and Hans-Furler-Gymnasium, Oberkirch, Germany, award for best physics exam 1984-1990: study of Computer Science at University of Karlsruhe (T.H.) 1990-1994: research assistant at Institute of Telematics (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. G. Krüger), Department of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe (T.H.) 1993: Ph.D. in Computer Science at Department of Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe (T.H.), award for best Ph.D. thesis , Fachgruppe Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme, Gesellschaft fur Informatik, Germany 1994-1995: visiting scientist at INRIA - Rodeo, Sophia-Antipolis, France 1995-1997: guest scientist / senior consultant at IBM European Networking Center, Heidelberg, Germany since 1998: Professor of Computer Science, Communication and Distributed Systems, Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of Bern, Switzerland 2004: visiting scientist at INRIA - Planete Sophia-Antipolis (France) and SICS, Kista, Sweden 2010: Sabbatical: visiting scientist at Bell Labs, Holmdel NJ, USA, guest professor at Infolab21 Department of Lancaster University, UK and Universidade de São Paulo in São Carlos, Brazil 2007-2011: Director of Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at University of Bern since 2011: Vice President of SWITCH foundation