Generational Professional Career Evolution of Professionals in Computer Science in Costa Rica


  • Marta Eunice Calderón Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Gabriela Marín
  • Gustavo López



Professional Career, Gender, Generations


The career evolution of computing professionals has been studied very little, especially in Latin America. In a previous study (LAWWCC 2016) we reported results of an exploratory study that aimed to characterize the professional development model of people that studied Computer Sciences in Costa Rica.  It reflects the roles and the industrial sectors with which they began their professional career and in which they report are currently working.  No important gender differences were depicted in it amongst men and women, since they report similar choices regarding their professional evolution. As a result, some valid concerns were raised regarding the question: do these results represent the female (and male) behavior in all professional career stages?  In this study, results, obtained from an online survey responded by 611 professionals in Computer Sciences, are now shown by generations. Professionals are grouped in four generational categories: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Young and Mature Millennials. The main finding is that the professional evolution, with respect to the role and sector in which they perform, revels different behaviors for professionals of different generations.  It also reflects that male career evolution shows more role and industry changes than that of female professionals.

Author Biographies

Gabriela Marín

Posgrado en Computación e Informática, Chair

Gustavo López

Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, researcher


